tvordj: Graham with Emily and Josh
tvordj: DSC00477BW
tvordj: DSC00476
tvordj: DSC00470
tvordj: DSC00463BW
tvordj: DSC00458BW
tvordj: DSC00443
tvordj: DSC00441BW
tvordj: DSC00438
tvordj: DSC00429a
tvordj: DSC00414
tvordj: DSC00409
tvordj: DSC00408
tvordj: Albro Lake, Oct. 2015
tvordj: Father and Son
tvordj: Silver surfer
tvordj: Captain and his lady
tvordj: Waiting for Orders
tvordj: At attention
tvordj: Robin Zander
tvordj: Rick in black and white
tvordj: Rick Nielson in BW
tvordj: Rick's old guitar
tvordj: Tom Petersson
tvordj: Warriors
tvordj: Who's out there?
tvordj: Winston and Graham
tvordj: Les Trois Amis
tvordj: Katherine and Keith
tvordj: Brad and Lord Stanley's Cup