tv: Hagrid and Maxine
tv: The Maxine Paparazzi
tv: Maxine, Bellatrix, Madam Black, and Hagrid
tv: Maxine, Hagrid and Gilderoy
tv: Maxine and Hagrid
tv: Trelawney, Maxine and Hagrid
tv: Awesome costumes
tv: Maxine and Quirrell (a.k.a. Constance Vigiliance)
tv: Maxine and some young Ravenclaws
tv: Maxine and Peeves
tv: Maxine and John Granger (no relation)
tv: Hagrid and Maxine
tv: Umbridge, Maxine, and Trelawney
tv: Trelawney, Umbridge, Maxine
tv: Xenophilius Lovegood
tv: Slytherin and Voldemort
tv: Madam Black
tv: Dobby and Madam Black
tv: The photo that launched a thousand 'ships
tv: Maxine and Tonks
tv: Hagrid, Kyra, and Trelawney
tv: Maxine and witches
tv: Maxine and Madam Rosmerta
tv: Maxine and Bellatrix
tv: Maxine
tv: Maxine is TALL
tv: Maxine is TALL and HAPPY
tv: Maxine and adoring Gryffindors
tv: Snape, Maxine, and Gilderoy
tv: Maxine and Lucius