DTuzz: 143_4353_1
DTuzz: 143_4356_1
DTuzz: Simon and Bender
DTuzz: Pebble Beach
DTuzz: Cool stuff
DTuzz: Bender on a rock
DTuzz: Cyprus trees
DTuzz: Coastline along Pebble Beach
DTuzz: Seals
DTuzz: Seals
DTuzz: The lone cyprus tree
DTuzz: The lone cyprus tree
DTuzz: The lone cyprus
DTuzz: Trees along Pebble Beach
DTuzz: Seal
DTuzz: Seals in Monterey Bay
DTuzz: Monterey Bay
DTuzz: Boats in Monterey Bay
DTuzz: Monterey Bay
DTuzz: Sea Stars
DTuzz: Sea Lion waving
DTuzz: Sleeping Sea Lion
DTuzz: Tons of Sea Lions
DTuzz: Sea Lions
DTuzz: Basking in the sun
DTuzz: Tons of Sea Lions
DTuzz: Lazy Sea Lions
DTuzz: Simon and the Fishbowl Margarita
DTuzz: Me and the Fishbowl Margarita
DTuzz: Charlie, Bender's friend