tuxette: common goldeneye (female) - kvinand (hunn) - Bucephala clangula
tuxette: common goldeneye (female) - kvinand (hunn) - Bucephala clangula
tuxette: common goldeneye (female) - kvinand (hunn) - Bucephala clangula
tuxette: Can I help you with something, freak?
tuxette: going for the dive...
tuxette: kvinand par - goldeneye pair
tuxette: I said: get off my surf! (Version 2.0)
tuxette: I said: get off my surf! (Version 1.0)
tuxette: aaah, refreshing!
tuxette: primping his feathery chest...
tuxette: Quack off! I saw her first!
tuxette: My eyes! My eyes! Argh!
tuxette: I've had enough of this!
tuxette: goldeneye
tuxette: *burp*
tuxette: Awww... who me?
tuxette: goldeneye
tuxette: Hazah!
tuxette: goldeneye