Moose (Bailey and Muppet): One of Muppet's many funny faces
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Roll over, Beethoven! Eeerhm, uhmm, Muppet!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Come, play with me!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Belle! Come on, play with me! Please, please....
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): This morning....
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): It had rained 'a bit'
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Muppet creates splashes
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): and she tries to catch the drops of water....
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Drops of mud, that is!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Mud is good for your skin!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Who needs toys?
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): I hear something too!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Bulldog or gremlin?
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Splish splash
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Happy Furry Friday!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Me and my bone
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Muppet, checking out the 'hood'
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Gotta love her!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): That greyhound again?
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Muppet at top speed
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Run as fast as you can!