Moose (Bailey and Muppet): This *schlurpp* makes me *schlurpp* rather thirsty *schlurpp*
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Grmmmbbl, grmmmbbl, how can I solve this problem?
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Okay cat! Between you and me now!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): I ..... Wíll ..... catch ..... you!!!!!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): I ..... Wíll ..... catch ..... you!!!!!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): I can see him, I can smell him... Why can't I get to him?
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Move aside.....bulldog to the rescue! I will catch him, I will, I will....
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Maybe I can catch this darn cat from here!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Beware! I will surely catch you and tear you to pieces!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Is he still there?
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): I need a ladder or a trampoline!
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): How can I get on this roof?
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Bailey and Muppet take turns in giving Binkie the 'deadly stare'
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Bailey and Muppet take turns in giving Binkie the 'deadly stare'
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Binkie, contemplating on the situation
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): Binkie, my neighbour's cat, is sitting on the roof of my shed
Moose (Bailey and Muppet): And Bailey has spotted him....