TuukiTuuki: Us... ♥
TuukiTuuki: Hugo and Teun... ♥
TuukiTuuki: Time goes by so fast, You've got to have a dream to just hold on...... 43/52
TuukiTuuki: PokerPokerPokerface... 42/52
TuukiTuuki: Not my cup of tea.... 41/52
TuukiTuuki: Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus 40/52
TuukiTuuki: Da doggie Jump ;)) -Explored-
TuukiTuuki: I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. ~Gilda Radner 36/52
TuukiTuuki: Mirror, mirror on the wall.... 32/52
TuukiTuuki: Kiss the boo boo away? 24/52
TuukiTuuki: Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important. ~Janet Lane 20/52
TuukiTuuki: Lost in thought....
TuukiTuuki: Dinner time!!!
TuukiTuuki: Flossing... 5/52
TuukiTuuki: Being a parent is a bliss... ( sometimes then ;D )
TuukiTuuki: Neeltje the flying dutch men.. errrr girl!!!
TuukiTuuki: My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet. ~Edith Wharton
TuukiTuuki: Hugo en Neeltje...
TuukiTuuki: The verrrry dangerous gard-dog for the lenses.... 5/30
TuukiTuuki: One day i will fly... You will see... And then i will catch that damn bird.... ~EXPLORED~
TuukiTuuki: You wanted to take that tree down anyways.... Right????? I just hepled.... 1/52
TuukiTuuki: What this aint a hat???... IM BATDOG!!!!! 2/52
TuukiTuuki: There where his thoughts wonder... ( not realy he just saw a treat >.< ) 3/52 ~EXPLORED~
TuukiTuuki: We ♥ SNOW!!!! 4/52 ~EXPLORED~
TuukiTuuki: Hello im Teun and im confessing that im a non-secret FoodAholic!!! 5/52
TuukiTuuki: I dont fit in, you should tilted that camera... Told you so.... 6/52
TuukiTuuki: Uhmmm.... How long was I again???? 7/52
TuukiTuuki: The KING of our woods, and if not, then for sure the KING of the treats in the pocket!!! 8/52
TuukiTuuki: A happy and very snowy Doxie... Thats ready for take off... 9/52
TuukiTuuki: Outake....