Colorado College Tutt Library: Examples of the presswork at Colorado College
Colorado College Tutt Library: Demolition of the work ethic (type drawer label)
Colorado College Tutt Library: Press (one of them)
Colorado College Tutt Library: Press (one of them)
Colorado College Tutt Library: Detail of one of the presses
Colorado College Tutt Library: Katie, Torie, and Emma set their lines
Colorado College Tutt Library: Devin counts her fingers after using the cutter
Colorado College Tutt Library: Setting type en masse
Colorado College Tutt Library: The Press at Colorado College
Colorado College Tutt Library: Katie wonders where all the leading went
Colorado College Tutt Library: Katie gives a thumbs-up
Colorado College Tutt Library: Katie shows Dean Ashley the book
Colorado College Tutt Library: Printers and books
Colorado College Tutt Library: Torie, Colin, and Katie
Colorado College Tutt Library: Listening to Colin at the wayzgoose.
Colorado College Tutt Library: "Look like you like each other" I told them