storebukkebruse: Open-air-museum Beuren
storebukkebruse: Big shrimp found in layers of chalk
storebukkebruse: Fish found in layers of chalk
storebukkebruse: Seaurchin :-)
storebukkebruse: Extra exhibition on chalk and the Swabian Alp
storebukkebruse: View from the top floor of the little townhall - Castle Teck
storebukkebruse: Looking out from the top story of an little old townhall. The houses were moved here from other places, you see.
storebukkebruse: In the baking house
storebukkebruse: Helmut in the baking house
storebukkebruse: A bundle maker. Must have been very practical!
storebukkebruse: Old bee cubes
storebukkebruse: Great old bee house! There were ever so many flying holes :-)
storebukkebruse: Solitary and bumblebee hotel
storebukkebruse: Wagon full of bees
storebukkebruse: The beeman sihouette
storebukkebruse: An old hut made around a loom!!
storebukkebruse: Love old doors
storebukkebruse: It is not supposed to be in there and it knows it!
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house
storebukkebruse: The weavers house