storebukkebruse: Öster Jölby Kirke on the island of Mors, Denmark
storebukkebruse: Anna-Kirstine on her way to my grandparents grave with flowers and water
storebukkebruse: I like, how everyone has his little garden
storebukkebruse: It is a beautiful churchyard
storebukkebruse: My great grandparents
storebukkebruse: The church where my parents were married and my little sister Hanne was christened
storebukkebruse: Newly renovated
storebukkebruse: A hard job, cleaning those windows .-)
storebukkebruse: Trying to catch it, the light...
storebukkebruse: Beautiful light
storebukkebruse: Alexandra sitting on a little wooden seat that could be drawn out when the church was full!
storebukkebruse: We went here to visit my grandparents graves
storebukkebruse: The grand church door