storebukkebruse: We have arrived at my Aunt's and Uncles farm for the annual paternal family get-to-gether
storebukkebruse: My uncle re-build the oil-heating. Now he heats only with wood. He has wood for the next ten years. I am a bit envious :-)
storebukkebruse: My fathers "new"car from 1968
storebukkebruse: Inge has made a "kringle". It was delicious.
storebukkebruse: Found two 20 year old kits in a thrifting store!!!!
storebukkebruse: Moving the lawn
storebukkebruse: Grandpa teaching grandchild
storebukkebruse: Feeling the grass
storebukkebruse: Essential ocean moves
storebukkebruse: Roll-over-grass. So soft
storebukkebruse: Rocky closeup at Øster Hurup harbour
storebukkebruse: Being in Denmark
storebukkebruse: Gift from Inge
storebukkebruse: There is NOTHING like Danish pastry
storebukkebruse: Dear Inge in the local bakery
storebukkebruse: Smørrebrød - Bakers best
storebukkebruse: We had dinner in front of Cologne Cathedral on our way to Denmark
storebukkebruse: Had a peek inside before the Catholic service began and the doors were closed
storebukkebruse: Sad, sad dogs...
storebukkebruse: Great craftsmen were at work
storebukkebruse: Amazing details
storebukkebruse: Meeing point stairs
storebukkebruse: Mariager graveyard
storebukkebruse: Graveyard gardener is having a break
storebukkebruse: Mariager churchyard - beautiful
storebukkebruse: Typical Danish house
storebukkebruse: Sunny trees on the graveyard
storebukkebruse: Lost in translation
storebukkebruse: Sisters
storebukkebruse: Elderberry