storebukkebruse: Just my opinion...
storebukkebruse: Tonight - Soccer Semi-Finals Gemany/Turkey
storebukkebruse: He adressed "The people of Berlin, the people of the World" and made a bridge from the airbridge after World War II to the cooperation now between Europe and the US
storebukkebruse: He wants to stop using nuclear energy...
storebukkebruse: By the Statue of Victory in the middle of Berlin
storebukkebruse: 215.000 people listening to Barack Obama just now
storebukkebruse: Vote Obama for President!
storebukkebruse: Congratulations America! Now there is more hope for the World!
storebukkebruse: I set my flag and light a candle for Mr Obama
storebukkebruse: Earth Hour 2009
storebukkebruse: Remember tonight!
storebukkebruse: President Obama is some kilometres away. That is the nearest I will ever get to him :-)
storebukkebruse: Barack Obamas speach in Prague
storebukkebruse: Well done, Mr President.
storebukkebruse: Lost in translation
storebukkebruse: Did you know this?
storebukkebruse: Seen on Sonja's T-Shirt :-)
storebukkebruse: If it works, don't fix it!
storebukkebruse: We want the option to keep the "old" flickr!