storebukkebruse: 1994 - färdig med veterantoget
storebukkebruse: August 1994 - Veteran Ib
storebukkebruse: Inges quilt
storebukkebruse: Inge in action!
storebukkebruse: Inge - sweet pin-cushion
storebukkebruse: Inge - Special quilt technique
storebukkebruse: Inge has knit a lot for Mother Teresa
storebukkebruse: Inge casting on - sort of a knitting on...
storebukkebruse: With Inge in a huge crafting shop
storebukkebruse: With Inge in a huge crafting shop
storebukkebruse: With Inge in a huge crafting shop
storebukkebruse: With Inge in a huge crafting shop
storebukkebruse: Dad & Inge discussing where to move some plant
storebukkebruse: Dad showing his car off to his youngest brother (of 8 siblings)
storebukkebruse: Morris Minor tour with my father
storebukkebruse: My Dad is on Facebook!
storebukkebruse: Inge i Viften
storebukkebruse: Inge i Viften by Marianne Isager
storebukkebruse: Flotte detaljer, nice details
storebukkebruse: The dog Tarzan - cute.
storebukkebruse: The only shop left in my fathers village is a John Deere dealer.
storebukkebruse: The Danes flag like this when they are happy. And this time the neigbour across the street turned 75!
storebukkebruse: Old BSA in the basement. I mean, it IS Winter and it has to be warm :-)
storebukkebruse: Dad is considering a "new" oldtimer and Inge is playing with the dog.
storebukkebruse: The great neighbours are tidying up. De gode naboer rydder lige op!
storebukkebruse: Aunt Else leaving. Faster Else
storebukkebruse: Grethe (uncle Carls ladyfriend) and soon to be 70 too - Else
storebukkebruse: Aunt Erna and I - actually
storebukkebruse: Uncle Jens and his wife Britta
storebukkebruse: Aunt Aase and Uncle Erik