Turukhtan: Pug on the floor at #sarjakuvafestivaalit
Turukhtan: Pug at #sarjakuvafestivaalit
Turukhtan: Epic pommi fail (but you can see its evil tail)
Turukhtan: Evil Mochi mini-watercolour by Ainur
Turukhtan: Fuzzy doggie tail behind Ainur
Turukhtan: Sheltie doggie at #sarjakuvafestivaalit :3
Turukhtan: Shiba closeup :3
Turukhtan: Shiba and my comics at #sarjakuvafestivaalit
Turukhtan: Of course it's not enough for me to present only the big fat Driftwood book as a new thing at the festival. I also made a zine with Electric Tsunamis, mainly because I want to see if I can sell more printed copies than Bonniers can sell electronic copies!
Turukhtan: Ainur's octopus (but she did not write "David is stupid") - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit
Turukhtan: Obligatory piggy and occult symbols - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit
Turukhtan: Heroic looking doggie - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit
Turukhtan: "Doggies are nice" - chalk drawings at #sarjakuvafestivaalit
Turukhtan: Fuzzy necked doggie - chalk drawings at #helsinkicomicsfestival