Turukhtan: Ilan brushing a goat in the goat petting area
Turukhtan: Relaxing piggy
Turukhtan: Little piggies
Turukhtan: Chomping away on the bushes
Turukhtan: Snouts
Turukhtan: What a beauty!
Turukhtan: Curious snout
Turukhtan: Shy pig
Turukhtan: Digging up the dirt
Turukhtan: Backlighted ears
Turukhtan: Nice piggy
Turukhtan: Getting scratches while gnawing off the bark of that tree
Turukhtan: Lovely curls
Turukhtan: Hello beautiful!
Turukhtan: She has a really funny symmetrical arrangement of spots in her face.
Turukhtan: Louie the eunuch
Turukhtan: Louie, Louie ...
Turukhtan: Louie and Henriette
Turukhtan: Two snouts meet
Turukhtan: Henriette's spotted snout
Turukhtan: Old piggy
Turukhtan: Yaaawn
Turukhtan: Henriette's curls
Turukhtan: Snout and hand
Turukhtan: Bertha and Louie
Turukhtan: Queen of all she surveys
Turukhtan: Louie fell over in ecstacy when Ilan scratched him.
Turukhtan: Bertha, too, came over, and considered teasing him a bit.