turtlequeen: pink hibiscus
turtlequeen: alamanda
turtlequeen: Windwardside from Scouts place
turtlequeen: The shortest commercial airstrip in the world.
turtlequeen: from Alise and Robert's deck
turtlequeen: Pyramid house, the Level
turtlequeen: The MAZE, detail
turtlequeen: leaving on the Edge,back to St Maarten
turtlequeen: from Bill's land, what a view !
turtlequeen: viewpoint from the Pyramid house garden
turtlequeen: Pyramid house path
turtlequeen: Pyramid house stop
turtlequeen: View from the EDGE
turtlequeen: Bill looking out
turtlequeen: The house on the path
turtlequeen: IMG_1890.JPG
turtlequeen: IMG_1888.JPG
turtlequeen: Statia in the distance
turtlequeen: cottage for rent
turtlequeen: Flamboyant tree by the museum
turtlequeen: Museum, Windwardside.
turtlequeen: IMG_1878.JPG
turtlequeen: Juliana's apartments
turtlequeen: Juliana's
turtlequeen: hibiscus
turtlequeen: on the road
turtlequeen: cottage in Windwarside
turtlequeen: raincloud
turtlequeen: raincloud from Alise and Robert's deck
turtlequeen: Well's bay, ze beach