Turtblu: A little pirate princess
Turtblu: Love you too, Cuz.
Turtblu: I got to spend the day with my favorite little munchkin
Turtblu: A hug and a kiss
Turtblu: Three goofballs in a tube
Turtblu: Jumping for 'gility
Turtblu: TV Time with Pie
Turtblu: The little hippie-child
Turtblu: Sliding
Turtblu: just for fun...
Turtblu: Can I have the baby pumpkin?
Turtblu: Helping carry auntie's pumpkin
Turtblu: On the pumpkin farm
Turtblu: She's a rockstar
Turtblu: Adorkable
Turtblu: Ari and the need for speed
Turtblu: The imp and the gingerbread house
Turtblu: Christmas morning
Turtblu: Saving the world, one fuzzy stuffed animal at a time.
Turtblu: she gots the beat