Turtblu: Featherlight floating
Turtblu: Little hands
Turtblu: Hmmm, lets see here...
Turtblu: Strangely like a Pteradactyl
Turtblu: IMG_5595
Turtblu: Head-on heron
Turtblu: Grabbing a quick bite
Turtblu: Eye of a hunter
Turtblu: Hmmm.... turtle for dinner?
Turtblu: Gulp!
Turtblu: Great blue
Turtblu: Nest building, female red-winged blackbird
Turtblu: Hitching a ride on momma grebe's back
Turtblu: Nutria, horribly nutritious
Turtblu: If it looks like a beaver crossed with a rat....
Turtblu: Momma grebe on her nest
Turtblu: All aboard?
Turtblu: Grebe and baby in nest
Turtblu: Pied-billed grebe and swimming babies
Turtblu: Courting males, red-winged blackbirds
Turtblu: I see you
Turtblu: Anisoptera
Turtblu: Grebe
Turtblu: Protecting from a distance
Turtblu: Cedar Waxwing
Turtblu: Hey you, jump higher next time
Turtblu: Haul out
Turtblu: Damselfly in distress?
Turtblu: Everybody loves a fun guy!