turquoise bird: Now that he's found it, he keeps checking to make sure it's still there
turquoise bird: Ellis and Neva at sunset
turquoise bird: I really like Honest Diapers. We can't cloth diaper, so this is the second-best option, ecologically speaking. No chemicals, planet friendly.
turquoise bird: Ellis at ten months old
turquoise bird: The thoughtful licorice eater
turquoise bird: He's a fan of plain Greek yogurt
turquoise bird: Parenthood can be quite amusing at times
turquoise bird: Ellis just said his first word: "Emma."
turquoise bird: He swung it around like a light saber before finally tasting it
turquoise bird: Approximately thirty seconds after swallowing a cricket whole
turquoise bird: Nine months old today. Always on the move.
turquoise bird: Summer in Seattle means lush gardens, gray filtered light, and kneesocks, still.
turquoise bird: the nappers
turquoise bird: garden party
turquoise bird: After four glasses of wine...
turquoise bird: Ellis crawls on Cedar Hill Central Park May 25 .