turoczy: Production booth
turoczy: Behind the scenes
turoczy: Cami Kaos
turoczy: Will Norris
turoczy: Chatting it up
turoczy: On the set
turoczy: Working the crowd
turoczy: Bram Pitoyo
turoczy: Set phasers on stun
turoczy: Amber Case @caseorganic
turoczy: Cami Kaos
turoczy: CyborgCamp prep
turoczy: Rabbi David observes
turoczy: Bram runs the preso
turoczy: Bill DeRouchey
turoczy: Bill DeRouchey
turoczy: Bill DeRouchey
turoczy: Dr. Normal tries to keep the cyborgs happy
turoczy: Engrossed
turoczy: This is a button
turoczy: Observing the cyborgs at work
turoczy: Billder emulates his avatar
turoczy: Discussing
turoczy: Xolotl ho-typing
turoczy: Using the button to indicate the button
turoczy: Cyborgs walk among us
turoczy: Pay attention to the cyborg
turoczy: Miss Burrows at CyborgCamp
turoczy: Dr. Normal running the board
turoczy: CyborgCamp crowd