turntable00000: fountain
turntable00000: lightray
turntable00000: droplets - 水滴
turntable00000: port of call - 寄港地
turntable00000: departure - 出航
turntable00000: tower of queen - 横浜税関本関庁舎
turntable00000: pupa - さなぎ
turntable00000: evaporation - 蒸発
turntable00000: Costa Victoria
turntable00000: waterfall of light
turntable00000: floating city - 浮遊都市
turntable00000: 46.4rotation - 46.4回転
turntable00000: waterfowl - 水鳥
turntable00000: Ferris wheel
turntable00000: fountain - ふんすい
turntable00000: bridge of the brilliance - あぶくの架け橋
turntable00000: bridge of the bubble - やわらかい絆