turntable00000: radio waves
turntable00000: monolith
turntable00000: the night heaven fell
turntable00000: natural purification - 浄化作用
turntable00000: escape from the planet of job
turntable00000: highest tower of Tokyo
turntable00000: 聖塔 - Saint Towers
turntable00000: droplet - 水滴
turntable00000: Mejiro street - 目白通り
turntable00000: super express - 新幹線
turntable00000: between rail and highway
turntable00000: sacred night view - 聖なる夜景
turntable00000: tower in the rain
turntable00000: shape of information
turntable00000: to the moon
turntable00000: highest tower of Tokyo
turntable00000: Sunshine60
turntable00000: Don Quijote - ドン・キホーテ
turntable00000: to the light - ヒカリエ -
turntable00000: social innovation
turntable00000: Shibuya SKY
turntable00000: ueno tokyo line
turntable00000: business square