turntable00000: each other
turntable00000: party at ground zero
turntable00000: streetlight - 街灯
turntable00000: end of the midsummer
turntable00000: whipcream
turntable00000: government in the cloud - 雲の中の都政
turntable00000: purple sky
turntable00000: flow of shadow
turntable00000: hypericum monogynum - びようやなぎ
turntable00000: foureau - ふうろそう
turntable00000: blue-eyed grass にわぜきしょう
turntable00000: pond - 沼
turntable00000: Cheers !!
turntable00000: oakleaf hydrangea - かしわばあじさい
turntable00000: white evening primrose - ひるざきつきみそう
turntable00000: pedestrian crossing - 横断歩道
turntable00000: skyscraper - 摩天楼
turntable00000: syrup of the night - 夜のシロップ
turntable00000: color of tower - 彩りの塔
turntable00000: calendula - きんせんか
turntable00000: storax - えごのき
turntable00000: forgetmenot - わすれなぐさ
turntable00000: Chrysanthmum multicaul - きく
turntable00000: row of trees - なみき
turntable00000: aster savatieri - みやこわすれ
turntable00000: audience
turntable00000: larkspur - せりばひえんそう
turntable00000: veil of the early summer
turntable00000: meadowsweet - こでまり