turntable00000: flow of sunlight
turntable00000: sasanqua - 山茶花
turntable00000: his treasure
turntable00000: photographer
turntable00000: sea breeze - 海風
turntable00000: Hide-and-seek - かくれんぼ
turntable00000: flow of cars
turntable00000: housing complex - 団地
turntable00000: stillness and movement - 静と動
turntable00000: up or down
turntable00000: sunshine of the night
turntable00000: tram - ちんちん電車
turntable00000: daylily - ゆり
turntable00000: tower in the rain
turntable00000: delivery van - 宅急便
turntable00000: shape of information