turntable00000: 聖塔 - Saint towers Photo exhibition
turntable00000: between rail and highway
turntable00000: exaggerated of grandiose
turntable00000: Mejiro street - 目白通り
turntable00000: waterfowl - 水鳥
turntable00000: wayback - 帰り道
turntable00000: needles of the zenith - 天頂の針
turntable00000: sacred night view - 聖なる夜景
turntable00000: foggy night
turntable00000: memories - 思い出
turntable00000: color of autumnal scenery
turntable00000: broadcasting tower - 電波塔
turntable00000: our future - 僕たちの明日
turntable00000: color of winter
turntable00000: first Christmas Illuminations of this year
turntable00000: row of trees - 並木
turntable00000: pier of dream - 夢さん橋
turntable00000: junction of light - 合流点
turntable00000: Mt.Sengoku - せんごくやま
turntable00000: super express - 新幹線
turntable00000: turn right - 右折
turntable00000: balls rolling
turntable00000: signboards
turntable00000: Hide-and-seek - かくれんぼ
turntable00000: delivery van - 宅急便
turntable00000: shower time
turntable00000: housing complex - 団地