turntable00000: fruits of the light
turntable00000: carrousel - かいてんもくば
turntable00000: mirror balls
turntable00000: walk in light - 歩行者
turntable00000: shape of heart
turntable00000: row of bright trees
turntable00000: holy night
turntable00000: crosswalk - 横断歩道
turntable00000: explosion
turntable00000: zelkova - けやき
turntable00000: star of the star
turntable00000: Baccarat eternal lights - シャンデリア
turntable00000: chandelier - しゃんでりあ
turntable00000: Zelkova slope - ケヤキ坂
turntable00000: Zelkova slope - ケヤキ坂