turntable00000: Awaodori - 阿波踊り
turntable00000: goldfish - きんぎょ
turntable00000: lantern - ちょうちん
turntable00000: Okesa straw hat - おけさ笠
turntable00000: soda pop - らむね
turntable00000: the last of the last fireworks - 最後の花火のさいご
turntable00000: fireworks - いたばし花火大会
turntable00000: red brick warehouse - 赤れんが倉庫
turntable00000: Okinawa came to Shinjuku
turntable00000: wind bell - ふうりん
turntable00000: block of ice - 氷塊
turntable00000: water gun - みずでっぽう
turntable00000: first fireworks of this year
turntable00000: Tadao Sato - 佐藤忠男
turntable00000: wind bell - ふうりん
turntable00000: round cherry - ほおずき