turntable00000: fireworks
turntable00000: firewors
turntable00000: houseboat - やかたぶね
turntable00000: fireworks
turntable00000: gingko tree
turntable00000: stick a needle on map
turntable00000: tower of height 333
turntable00000: squirrel or bear
turntable00000: row of trees - 並木
turntable00000: evaporation - 蒸発
turntable00000: fallen leaf - 落ち葉
turntable00000: protrusion
turntable00000: surgival mask
turntable00000: turn to right
turntable00000: pedestrian bridge - 歩道橋
turntable00000: How is your love ?
turntable00000: radio waves
turntable00000: skylight
turntable00000: row of signs
turntable00000: fountain
turntable00000: lightray
turntable00000: flowing lights
turntable00000: bamboo grove - 竹林
turntable00000: sparrows
turntable00000: new year's day - 初詣