turntable00000: protrusion
turntable00000: abundant crop - 豊作
turntable00000: under the trees
turntable00000: fire hydrant - 消火栓
turntable00000: star of back
turntable00000: bridge for tomorrow
turntable00000: passage of worm - むしの通り道
turntable00000: traffic jam
turntable00000: welcome to the saloon - いらっしゃいませ
turntable00000: Locomotive Promenade - 汽車道
turntable00000: vivid dreams - 鮮明な夢
turntable00000: tired panda
turntable00000: cherry - さくら
turntable00000: monolith
turntable00000: first cherry blossom of this year - 河津桜
turntable00000: the night heaven fell
turntable00000: mini truck - 軽トラ
turntable00000: bus stop - バス停
turntable00000: chandelier
turntable00000: euryops daisy
turntable00000: pupa - さなぎ
turntable00000: amphibious intersection - 水陸交差点
turntable00000: start line
turntable00000: turn to green
turntable00000: highest tower of Tokyo
turntable00000: between tower and tower
turntable00000: details of love
turntable00000: junction