turntable00000: The origin of extrabokeh
turntable00000: who and where
turntable00000: monsters
turntable00000: carillon deck
turntable00000: portable tower
turntable00000: blured photographers
turntable00000: grasshopper - ばった
turntable00000: high heels
turntable00000: glasses - めがね
turntable00000: the third run - 第三走
turntable00000: shoot in light
turntable00000: master and servant
turntable00000: wild guys
turntable00000: stage of the gate of temple
turntable00000: on a bed - 寝具の上にて
turntable00000: bricks - 煉瓦
turntable00000: high-heel
turntable00000: too close
turntable00000: place of peace - やすらぎの場所
turntable00000: ginkgo - いちょう
turntable00000: zelkova - けやき並木
turntable00000: a lot of flowers
turntable00000: lattice window - 格子の窓
turntable00000: shape of heart
turntable00000: tilted lighting - 傾いた照明
turntable00000: balloon - ふうせん
turntable00000: balloon - ふうせん
turntable00000: balloon - ふうせん
turntable00000: balloon - ふうせん