Turner Contemporary:
Rodin's The Kiss, on loan from the Tate collection
Turner Contemporary:
Roy Eastland's sketches of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Roy Eastland's sketches of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Roy Eastland talking with our Learning Officer Keiko
Turner Contemporary:
Visitors' drawings of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Visitors' drawings of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Visitors' drawings of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Roy Eastland's drawings of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Visitors respond to Rodin's The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Visitors respond to Rodin's The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Young artists draws his response to The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Young artists draws his response to The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Young artists draws his response to The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Young artists draws his response to The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
A young artist draws his response to The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
A young artist draws his response to The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
A young artist shows Roys his drawing
Turner Contemporary:
A young artist describes her interpretation of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Visitors respond to The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Young artists show us their drawings of The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Visitors admire fellow visitors' drawings
Turner Contemporary:
Roy Eastland sketches The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Roy Eastland sketches The Kiss
Turner Contemporary:
Roy Eastland sketches The Kiss