turknc: The Flock
turknc: Fat Bird
turknc: 20. Cat Or A Kitten - Krazy Kat
turknc: 33. Birds - Golden Gull
turknc: The Long Path Home
turknc: The Black Headed Gull
turknc: The Cardinal (Take 4)
turknc: The Cardinal (Take 3)
turknc: The Cardinal (Take 2)
turknc: The Cardinal (Take 1)
turknc: The King Snake
turknc: The Five-Lined Skink
turknc: The Squirrel
turknc: The Turtle
turknc: Gretta
turknc: 37. An Action Shot
turknc: The Horse in the Mist
turknc: The Titmouse
turknc: The Robin 01
turknc: The Robin In Silhouette
turknc: The Titmouse
turknc: The Gull – 1-4-2021
turknc: The Goose
turknc: Falling Seed
turknc: Sea Birds
turknc: The White-Breasted Nuthatch
turknc: The Carolina Chickadee
turknc: The Male Cardinal
turknc: The Female Cardinal.
turknc: Red Bellied Woodpecker, Camden, NC - 07May22