turkmenbashy: On their way to Tonle Sap Lake
turkmenbashy: Building a house on stilts
turkmenbashy: A rare and beautiful River Chicken
turkmenbashy: Laundry day
turkmenbashy: Washing dishes
turkmenbashy: Bringing home the traps
turkmenbashy: Joy riding
turkmenbashy: Boating
turkmenbashy: Bringing out the traps
turkmenbashy: Washing dishes
turkmenbashy: Door to door grocery service
turkmenbashy: House plants
turkmenbashy: Grandfather babysitting
turkmenbashy: Laying fish traps
turkmenbashy: Door to door grocery service
turkmenbashy: Floating market
turkmenbashy: Working on boar
turkmenbashy: Vietnamese villager
turkmenbashy: Little boy and little girl
turkmenbashy: biking home hay
turkmenbashy: If I were a tape worm, I'd live in the body of a Cambodian child too
turkmenbashy: Monks begging for morning meal
turkmenbashy: pigs in basket
turkmenbashy: Have you seen the bucket man, the bucket man, the bucket man?
turkmenbashy: farmer
turkmenbashy: Family Sunday drive
turkmenbashy: Street restaurant at night
turkmenbashy: Cambodian mine victim buying fruit at night
turkmenbashy: Night fruit vendor
turkmenbashy: Cambodian farmers readying rice paddy