turkmenbashy: Nothing says 2 days of gruelling physical activity
turkmenbashy: Starting point
turkmenbashy: Mic paying his respects to the Fuji gods
turkmenbashy: Fuji path
turkmenbashy: That babies were climbing Fuji
turkmenbashy: Something about Japan makes the trees go all squiggly
turkmenbashy: Again with the squiggly
turkmenbashy: omg how'd Hiro get in my backpack?!
turkmenbashy: It's a bell party
turkmenbashy: Tiny pilgrims on the great Fujisan
turkmenbashy: Mic and the Great Beyond
turkmenbashy: They say cheese
turkmenbashy: Another disasterous attempt by non-Japanese to do a Japanese pose
turkmenbashy: Mari-chan suckin on the good stuff
turkmenbashy: Mic snorts some pure O2
turkmenbashy: We were getting pretty giddy there for a while
turkmenbashy: Again with the giddy
turkmenbashy: Our attic wonderland
turkmenbashy: At our dinner
turkmenbashy: One of the "hot, edgy" station workers branding a pilgrim stick
turkmenbashy: Prayer rags
turkmenbashy: Fuji Station 8
turkmenbashy: Up at 1 a.m. to make it to the top for sunrise
turkmenbashy: It looks like a dance party
turkmenbashy: Pilgrims ascending the mount
turkmenbashy: Rest stop in a cloud
turkmenbashy: Brothers Mic and Hiro sippin' on some red bean soup
turkmenbashy: station atop fuji
turkmenbashy: the kitchen atop Mt Fuji
turkmenbashy: piglrims ascending the mount in the pre-dawn