turkey16_61: グー・チョキ・パー
turkey16_61: ちえちゃん
turkey16_61: plants
turkey16_61: 睡蓮
turkey16_61: アジサイ
turkey16_61: アジサイ
turkey16_61: JR西日本
turkey16_61: 喫茶店
turkey16_61: 喫茶店
turkey16_61: 喫茶店
turkey16_61: Post Office Bicycle
turkey16_61: bicycles
turkey16_61: Book Cafe in Kyoto City
turkey16_61: Book Cafe in Kyoto City
turkey16_61: blue frame window
turkey16_61: toward the sky
turkey16_61: Kyoto city subway - Gojo Station of Karasuma Line
turkey16_61: a stick
turkey16_61: Road along the sea
turkey16_61: Family on the beach in early summer
turkey16_61: Drifted Objects
turkey16_61: Ripples
turkey16_61: Tadasu-no-Mori
turkey16_61: Tadasu-no-Mori
turkey16_61: Shimogamo Shrine
turkey16_61: one autumn day
turkey16_61: leaves on the street
turkey16_61: above your head
turkey16_61: one summer day.