turbofan: Tonka
turbofan: Tonka bear on the couch
turbofan: Carmen under the lamp
turbofan: Ryan and Carmen
turbofan: Tonka
turbofan: Carmen shredding aftermath
turbofan: Cat on a slab
turbofan: Carmen
turbofan: Cats on a porch
turbofan: Tonka upclose and personal
turbofan: Carmen
turbofan: Tonka the first night we got him
turbofan: Carmen on the ground
turbofan: Tonka in front of the TV
turbofan: Grand Rapids, January
turbofan: My handsome boy
turbofan: Side profile of the pooch
turbofan: Grand Rapids, January
turbofan: Grand Rapids, January
turbofan: The Icehouse.. Fishhouse... whatever....
turbofan: Grand Rapids, January
turbofan: Grand Rapids, January
turbofan: Someone was a little leery of the ice patches out on the lake
turbofan: Grand Rapids, January
turbofan: Sleepy buddy
turbofan: IMG_2583.JPG
turbofan: IMG_2585
turbofan: Grand Rapids, January, winter, 2007, snow 014
turbofan: Tonka in the brush
turbofan: My crazy dog