turbofan: Ryan in the park at the airport
turbofan: Carmen shredding aftermath
turbofan: Daisies
turbofan: Multnomah Falls mist
turbofan: Tonka
turbofan: Ryan and Carmen
turbofan: Window lock
turbofan: Fall leaves
turbofan: Jackson Lake
turbofan: Side of a morning glory
turbofan: Red leaf in the road
turbofan: Rock and anchor
turbofan: Mossy shed
turbofan: Water Pump
turbofan: Cool Plant
turbofan: Candle
turbofan: flowers
turbofan: Me, pouring some wine
turbofan: DSC01157
turbofan: Morning glory
turbofan: Campfire
turbofan: Softball..
turbofan: Wet plant
turbofan: Bright red plant
turbofan: More morning glories...
turbofan: Conservatory plant
turbofan: me... Ryan
turbofan: Owen and I at Epcot
turbofan: No, it's not the sun
turbofan: Hideous monk fish at Pike's market