decypher the code: steam pipes 1
decypher the code: steam pipes 2
decypher the code: steam pipes 3
decypher the code: mysterious valve
decypher the code: steam pipes 4
decypher the code: steam pipes 5
decypher the code: teh generation room
decypher the code: teh control room
decypher the code: 16:23.40
decypher the code: "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING"
decypher the code: steam turbine rotor
decypher the code: but will it cure my gammy leg?
decypher the code: the infamous exciter
decypher the code: inlet air temp gauge
decypher the code: AEI 30MW steam turbine
decypher the code: 30,000kW @ 1500rpm
decypher the code: ACME brand girder?
decypher the code: condenser
decypher the code: I like signs
decypher the code: outside station B
decypher the code: MOAR POWER
decypher the code: blakk kloudz
decypher the code: blakk kloudz II (widescreen)
decypher the code: drilling rig