tunefulpower: I think we're ready.
tunefulpower: Tenors, beating time in 3.
tunefulpower: Trebles
tunefulpower: Basses
tunefulpower: Basses
tunefulpower: Tamara and some trebles.
tunefulpower: Thom knows I'm taking his picture.
tunefulpower: The End of the Line
tunefulpower: A Long Table
tunefulpower: There was a disco ball above the Hollow Square.
tunefulpower: Dear Friends
tunefulpower: Trebles
tunefulpower: Scott Kennedy
tunefulpower: Bridgett Hill
tunefulpower: Bridgett brings in the altos.
tunefulpower: Tamara Harris
tunefulpower: Pretty in Pink
tunefulpower: Martha Johnson
tunefulpower: Kristi, debuting her new blazer, bought especially for the occasion.
tunefulpower: Steve & Cindy
tunefulpower: Gary & David Offer the Resolutions Committee Report
tunefulpower: Gary & David, Gesturing
tunefulpower: Marie & Gary
tunefulpower: Marie Brandis & Gary Plouff
tunefulpower: Tamara, fanning herself in the afternoon.
tunefulpower: Festive decorations at the social
tunefulpower: A Very Big Song
tunefulpower: Singing at the Social
tunefulpower: The Saturday Evening Social
tunefulpower: Harlan & Arcana