tunefulpower: Impressionistic Party Picture 2
tunefulpower: Impressionistic Party Picture 1
tunefulpower: Terry's backside
tunefulpower: Two hands
tunefulpower: The many faces of Jenn Dolan
tunefulpower: Jenn Dolan
tunefulpower: Vasili is Perplexed by the Big Balloon
tunefulpower: Tamara
tunefulpower: Awww. Thanks, Jenn.
tunefulpower: Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble.
tunefulpower: Even Yet Still More Vasili
tunefulpower: More Vasili
tunefulpower: Vasili
tunefulpower: Dr. Thom is not a dentist
tunefulpower: Tamara preparing for her future in a prison cell ... or in a box car
tunefulpower: Tamara and a toy harmonica
tunefulpower: Celebrating the death of the piñata
tunefulpower: Thom Eating Taffy 2
tunefulpower: Thom Eating Taffy 1
tunefulpower: Emily watches over her domain
tunefulpower: Emily, the Birthday Girl
tunefulpower: The Dead Piñata
tunefulpower: The spoils of war ... candy and toys!
tunefulpower: A Mutilated Vampire Piñata
tunefulpower: Terry shows no mercy
tunefulpower: Of course! The piñata gets a wooden stake to the heart, courtesy of Terry the Vampire Slayer
tunefulpower: Terry Steps up to the Plate
tunefulpower: Emily Swings