tundra miller: mail arrives in Tuscarora
tundra miller: the first tin house
tundra miller: Glass decoration
tundra miller: Dinner at Vivian and Richard's home
tundra miller: Backyard
tundra miller: Back gate
tundra miller: Vivians studio
tundra miller: Vivians studio door
tundra miller: Vivians studio inside
tundra miller: Kitchen and Richard
tundra miller: Pottery museum
tundra miller: Pottery museum
tundra miller: Pottery museum
tundra miller: Sculpture
tundra miller: Fruit abacus
tundra miller: Pottery museum
tundra miller: Pottery studio
tundra miller: Parks studio
tundra miller: Park platters
tundra miller: studio wall
tundra miller: honey bear buddha
tundra miller: Fence and art
tundra miller: Porch and art
tundra miller: Porch and art
tundra miller: Tuscarora house
tundra miller: Tuscarora ex-saloon
tundra miller: Normal fault in Tertiary strata, N of Elko, NV