tundra miller: LE7095010000019650
tundra miller: Chukotka river
tundra miller: Chukotkariver2
tundra miller: P7250038
tundra miller: P7250040
tundra miller: P7260072
tundra miller: P7260062
tundra miller: P7260087
tundra miller: P7270109
tundra miller: P7290147
tundra miller: P7290146
tundra miller: Pr-Tr contact Camp1
tundra miller: Camp 2 lookin SE from blackslate close
tundra miller: Camp 2 view SE
tundra miller: Camp2 look SE from black slate horiz
tundra miller: Camp 2 view E
tundra miller: Camp2 look SE from black slate vert
tundra miller: looking N to PC and Dev
tundra miller: orange lichen on Permian slate
tundra miller: Permian black slate
tundra miller: Triassic yellowdog contact
tundra miller: view E from green conglomerate ridge camp 2
tundra miller: view N from green conglomerate ridge
tundra miller: view S from donut
tundra miller: view SE Camp 2
tundra miller: View SE from PCdonut
tundra miller: P7270119
tundra miller: P7270114
tundra miller: P7310161
tundra miller: P8010164