tumtumice: UCF #34 runs it in from the final touchdown
tumtumice: UCF #34 runs it in from the final touchdown
tumtumice: UCF #34 runs it in from the final touchdown
tumtumice: UCF #34 runs it in from the final touchdown
tumtumice: UCF #34 breaks loose from memphis #59
tumtumice: UCF #9 dances after scoreing a touchdown
tumtumice: UCF #34 looks for a open hole
tumtumice: UCF #34 bends down after getting tackled
tumtumice: UCF #34 runs has fast has he can
tumtumice: – UCF #43 breaks loose from memphis #4
tumtumice: UCF #57 takes down memphis #5
tumtumice: UCF #34 fights memphis #16
tumtumice: UCF #14 breaks loose of memphis #50
tumtumice: UCF #14 gets ready to clothes line a defender
tumtumice: UCF # 38 rips memphis #5 to the ground