pugg71: Hello!
pugg71: Brian and Cary
pugg71: Lunch Bunch
pugg71: The Morning Zoo
pugg71: Fresh!
pugg71: Hackers
pugg71: Fresh!
pugg71: Burger Time With Brian and Ron
pugg71: Carlos & Gina
pugg71: Latin Class, 1988
pugg71: Good morning, Mr. Herbst.
pugg71: Hallway Hijinx
pugg71: Chas. & Sandy
pugg71: Derek Ruffin and Ms.Magruder
pugg71: The Aftermath
pugg71: Hanging Out at Rocky's
pugg71: Chas. and Caroline in Latin Class
pugg71: Outside High's Dairy Spring 1988
pugg71: Junior Class Morning 1989
pugg71: Sketchy Backside Kickturn
pugg71: Ron Coleman 'I Have A Dream'
pugg71: Andy Backside Kickturn
pugg71: In-School Suspension
pugg71: AJ and Paul in the Theatre
pugg71: Spanish Class
pugg71: Alex and Holly in English Class
pugg71: Lisa, Jeanette, and Alex
pugg71: Andy Shows Off His Cast