Tulip Girl: my mom & his great grandmother
Tulip Girl: his mom (kid below) & my niece
Tulip Girl: you talkin' to me?
Tulip Girl: whatcha lookin' at kid?
Tulip Girl: living in Canada for 40 years now
Tulip Girl: official family portrait 1965
Tulip Girl: my first bike & I'm not even 2!
Tulip Girl: bike, scooter & myself in the crib
Tulip Girl: off with my head!
Tulip Girl: lost in the crowd on Locke Street
Tulip Girl: sixteen things about me
Tulip Girl: cut my finger at work on Sunday
Tulip Girl: taken in Holland before moving
Tulip Girl: my stepdad (93 this October)
Tulip Girl: my mom (82 this September)
Tulip Girl: parents when they were engaged
Tulip Girl: my mom when young
Tulip Girl: mom's dad & 2nd wife
Tulip Girl: my mom's mom
Tulip Girl: support the gray-hair movement ;)
Tulip Girl: botox: again, just say no! :)
Tulip Girl: botox: just say no ;)
Tulip Girl: keeping an eye on you