Tulip Girl: Masons sugar bowl
Tulip Girl: Masons small cup and saucer
Tulip Girl: know what this means?
Tulip Girl: coffee tea sugar
Tulip Girl: dutch cocoa powder tin
Tulip Girl: small Dutch graniteware bowl
Tulip Girl: ready for the oven
Tulip Girl: colander close-up
Tulip Girl: my favourite colander
Tulip Girl: morning hope
Tulip Girl: remember these?
Tulip Girl: strangest phone I've ever seen
Tulip Girl: inherited 1973 Raleigh
Tulip Girl: a bad case of the blown-tire blues
Tulip Girl: yay, new tires finally!
Tulip Girl: my stepdad's old Sekine
Tulip Girl: heating vent in living room
Tulip Girl: heating vent in computer room
Tulip Girl: oldest ornaments (thanks mom!)
Tulip Girl: my favourite of all
Tulip Girl: Christmas ornaments
Tulip Girl: ornaments I WOULD have used...
Tulip Girl: new box, old contents
Tulip Girl: this beauty will be mine...
Tulip Girl: a closer look
Tulip Girl: Remembrance Day
Tulip Girl: from rummage sale: 10 cents each
Tulip Girl: forgot I had this 1945 nickel!
Tulip Girl: 1940/45 Canadian coins
Tulip Girl: the oldest coin I have