Tulip Girl: finally snagged an orange dot McKee shaker last year
Tulip Girl: sweet beautiful blue Agee!
Tulip Girl: McKee salt pepper and grease jar set
Tulip Girl: McKee fridgies mysteriously multiply
Tulip Girl: McKee canister set
Tulip Girl: Federal diamonds in the rough
Tulip Girl: Fire King, Pyrex and McKee...
Tulip Girl: love my McKee fridgie so much...
Tulip Girl: well hello, welcome home!
Tulip Girl: notice the newcomer? :)
Tulip Girl: Federal bowl finally finds a friend
Tulip Girl: orange u yellow to see me?
Tulip Girl: freesias fading fast
Tulip Girl: abandoning daisies is crazy!
Tulip Girl: orange Termocrisa dots
Tulip Girl: computer chair view
Tulip Girl: teardrop vintage ornaments
Tulip Girl: favourite tree topper
Tulip Girl: cutest Federal bowl EVER?
Tulip Girl: Pyrex Friendship peppers ;)
Tulip Girl: melmac rules
Tulip Girl: red rocks
Tulip Girl: flower power anyone? ;)
Tulip Girl: my new knapsack
Tulip Girl: $4!! I still can't believe it
Tulip Girl: I'm still smiling :)
Tulip Girl: tulip in her last moments of glory
Tulip Girl: periwinkle blue
Tulip Girl: a not-so-bashful daffodil
Tulip Girl: pretty in purple hyacinth