Tulip Girl: tulip in her last moments of glory
Tulip Girl: love the old town blue pattern
Tulip Girl: licorice spice tea and Melody
Tulip Girl: my first bike & I'm not even 2!
Tulip Girl: easy lazy vegan chili
Tulip Girl: pea soup with a twist
Tulip Girl: flower power shower! ;)
Tulip Girl: comfort food
Tulip Girl: single bloom
Tulip Girl: glorious yellow!
Tulip Girl: busy spider capturing her prey
Tulip Girl: my friend's cat Basil
Tulip Girl: oops, I interrupted her snooze!
Tulip Girl: taking advantage of unmade bed
Tulip Girl: red, white, and blue (and gray!)
Tulip Girl: new second-hand lamp off
Tulip Girl: my fish-guzzling kitty
Tulip Girl: Morgan contemplating life?
Tulip Girl: a cuter than cute Doberman pup!
Tulip Girl: Le Creuset pot + leftover soup
Tulip Girl: orange-pinkish tulip
Tulip Girl: same tulip, different angle
Tulip Girl: orchid close-up
Tulip Girl: celery, navy bean & potato soup
Tulip Girl: if only they could speak
Tulip Girl: old ornaments revealed
Tulip Girl: THE Raleigh indeed
Tulip Girl: first bit of snowfall last Thursday
Tulip Girl: Kazumi Joy enjoying her blankie
Tulip Girl: how Juniper really looks