Tulip Girl: Kazumi Joy in living room window
Tulip Girl: rainy day in fall
Tulip Girl: Hill Street Park in winter
Tulip Girl: ice storm January 16, 2007
Tulip Girl: ice storm January 16, 2007
Tulip Girl: ice storm January 16, 2007
Tulip Girl: the lull before the storm
Tulip Girl: let the flurries begin!
Tulip Girl: spring snowstorm 1
Tulip Girl: spring snowstorm 2
Tulip Girl: spring snowstorm 3
Tulip Girl: see the bird?
Tulip Girl: eagle seen from bedroom window
Tulip Girl: it was a dark & stormy afternoon ;)
Tulip Girl: as eerie as a Hitchcock film
Tulip Girl: Kazumi Joy in living room window
Tulip Girl: neighbour mowing his sidewalk
Tulip Girl: another rainy day
Tulip Girl: look closely and you'll see a...
Tulip Girl: food truck right below my window!
Tulip Girl: they're filming on my street again
Tulip Girl: I didn't do it, honest!
Tulip Girl: that is one ugly bug
Tulip Girl: tree trimmers in the backyard
Tulip Girl: bad trees end up here ;)
Tulip Girl: a splash of colour
Tulip Girl: what today looked like
Tulip Girl: the day after
Tulip Girl: Jan 1, 2008 - kitchen window view
Tulip Girl: Jan 1, 2008 - back door view R