TulipFleurs: Go ahead and "mist" yourself . . .
TulipFleurs: Hotel Lobby in Palm Springs . . .
TulipFleurs: Dinner @ Sherman's Deli & Bakey (Palm Springs, CA)
TulipFleurs: June 22nd 174/365 . . . Road Trip to San Antonio
TulipFleurs: Toby enjoying his "first" night stay at a hotel . . .
TulipFleurs: Palm Springs (June 22nd ~ 23rd)
TulipFleurs: Joshua Tree National Park . . .
TulipFleurs: Joshua Tree National Park
TulipFleurs: June 23rd 175/365 . . . Just passin' through Arizona & heading towards Las Cruces, NM
TulipFleurs: Somewhere on Highway 10 (East) in Arizona . . .
TulipFleurs: Just passin' through Arizona . . .
TulipFleurs: From El Paso to San Antonio ... another 551 miles
TulipFleurs: Somewhere above 252 miles away from El Paso ...
TulipFleurs: On route to Las Cruces . . .
TulipFleurs: Mesilla Plaza (New Mexico)
TulipFleurs: Mesilla Plaza (New Mexico)
TulipFleurs: Mesilla Plaza (New Mexico)
TulipFleurs: Mesilla Plaza (New Mexico)
TulipFleurs: Thunderbird Gallery & Gift Shop (Old Mesilla, New Mexico)
TulipFleurs: A store in Old Town Mesilla bearing my "name"...
TulipFleurs: The hospitality of the Southwest . . . red chile!
TulipFleurs: June 24th 175/365 . . . A total of 24 hrs. of driving, we have reached our destination!
TulipFleurs: Old Mesilla, New Mexico
TulipFleurs: San Albino Catholic Church in Old Town Mesilla (NM)
TulipFleurs: The cash register at the Thunderbird Gallery & Souvenir Shop
TulipFleurs: Dinner with bro & his familia . . .
TulipFleurs: My photo shoot with the doe . . .
TulipFleurs: Take my picture already . . .
TulipFleurs: Happy Friday!!!!
TulipFleurs: Toby waits on the bridge . . .